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Category Archives: 2 DUETS

Burke / Candler 8

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. February 11, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto saxophone, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Melissa Lohman – dance Adelka Polak – dance Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2568 T2569a T2569z


Recorded live at home in Manhattan. January 13, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto clarinet mouthpiece, vocal, SM57, samplers Kris Anton – digital manipulation, sequencer, drum machine, vocal Stereo (722 / ProTools) Alpyzimr Fruiz57

Burke / Candler 7

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. January 8, 2010 Jason Candler – alto saxophone, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2517 T2518 T2521

Walkin’ Some Bounce

Recorded live in Ben’s kitchen, NYC. January 6, 2010 Jason Candler – alto clarinet Ben Holtzman – washboard Stereo (Olympus portable recorder) Walkin’

Original Soundtrack to “Who Left the Pod Bay Door Open?”

Recorded live at home in Manhattan. January 5, 2010 Dubbidet (Zhe Bday): Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto saxophone, alto clarinet mouthpiece, vocal, samplers, fx Quince Marcum – vocal, peck horn, samplers, fx stereo (722 / ProTools) Door Ajar Part 3 Zhygedon Pod Opus

Burke / Candler 6

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. December 16, 2009 Jason Candler – tenor saxophone, samplers Brendan Burke – drums, alto saxophone Stereo (722 / Pro Tools)

New Garf

Recorded live in Ben’s kitchen, NYC. December 1, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet Ben Holtzman – washboard Stereo (Olympus portable recorder) Garf 1 Garf 2

Slow Fungus

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC October 21, 2009 Dubbidet: Jason Candler – alto & bass clarinets, Hammond organ, vocals, samplers Quince Marcum – vocals, Peck horn, drums & percussion, samplers Stereo (Pro Tools) Demons Fungus Fungus Demons Het Hoe


Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC October 21, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet Quince Marcum – Peck horn Stereo (Pro Tools) Beetlebut

Burke / Candler 5

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. October 08, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2394m T2395m

Pepper Jams

Recorded live at home in Manhattan. September 26, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, samplers Doug Principato – ’98 Stratocaster mono/stereo (722/Reaper) Tales Moose Calls Warts n All The Psychedelic Jungle

Cookin’ the Blues

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC August 27, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, alto saxophone Phillipe Boyer – tenor saxophone, Hammond organ Stereo (Pro Tools) Introductions Mo Cookin Getz Water

To the Rescue

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC August 27, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet Phillipe Boyer – Jimi Z’s 1946 Hammond BH Organ Stereo (Pro Tools) Rescue

Seven Seven

Recorded live at Pepper temple Studio July 7, 2009 Jason Candler – alto sax, fx, vocals grand pepper – guitar, sampler Stereo (DAT &ADAT / Analog mix) DLF77 VI77 HOHOF77 HDAF77

Fat Bounce

Recorded live at Ben’s Haus, NYC. June 28, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet Ben Holtzman – bass clarinet Stereo (Olympus portable recorder) Fat Bounce

Burke / Candler 4a

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. June 23, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, samplers Brendan Burke – alto saxophone Mono (722 / Reaper) T2316a T2316b T2317a T2317b

Burke / Candler 4b

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. June 23, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, samplers Brendan Burke – alto saxophone Mono (722 / Reaper) T2318 T2319a T2319b T2320

Burke / Candler 3

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. May 04, 2009 Jason Candler – alto saxophone, bass clarinet, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2288 T2291 T2292 T2311e T2310e T2308e T2309e

Burke / Candler 2

Recorded live at the 39th Street loft in Brooklyn. April 28, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, samplers Brendan Burke – drums Stereo (722 / Pro Tools) T2275ae T2275be T2271e T2272e T2274e

Luh Duh Dee and other treats

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC April 24, 2009 Jason Candler – vocals, microphone, clarinets, samplers Quince Marcum – vocals, samplers, percussion, bass Stereo (Pro Tools) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Luh Duh Dee and other treats 2

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC April 24, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, alto saxophone, bass clarinet mouthpiece / neck, alto sax mouthpiece, vocal, samplers Quince Marcum – vocals, drums / percussion, horn  Stereo (Pro Tools) Q6 Q7 Q8

Luh Duh Dee and other treats 3

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC April 24, 2009 Jason Candler – moog Quince Marcum – vocals, samplers Stereo (Pro Tools) Q9

Dynamic Duo – Occulates

Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC March 27, 2009 Jason Candler – alto clarinet, alto saxophone Daniel Carter – soprano & alto saxophones Stereo (Pro Tools) Occulate 1 Occulate 2 Occulate 3


Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC March 23, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, alto clarinet Greg Squared – flute, G clarinet Stereo (Pro Tools) Square 1 Square 2 Square 3 Square 4 Square 5


Recorded live at the Maid’s Room, NYC March 23, 2009 Jason Candler – bass clarinet, alto clarinet, alto saxophone Greg Squared – Bb clarinet, G clarinet, flute, alto saxophone Stereo (Pro Tools) Square 6 Square 7 Square 8 Square 9 Square 10